How to Prove Your Love Is Real

Love is beautiful, but USCIS wants proof! If you and your partner are applying for a marriage-based visa or green card, the immigration interview is a crucial step to demonstrate that your relationship is genuine. But don’t worry—this isn’t a reality TV show where you have to pass a lie detector test! With the right preparation, you can confidently navigate the process and prove your love is real. Here’s how.
Understand the Purpose of the Interview
The main goal of the immigration interview is to confirm that your marriage is authentic and not just for immigration benefits. USCIS officers are trained to detect fraud and look for inconsistencies in your story. They’ll ask questions about your relationship, daily life, and future plans as a couple.
Gather Strong Evidence of Your Relationship
Having solid documentation can make a huge difference in proving your marriage is real. Some key documents include:
Wedding photos and invitations
Joint lease or mortgage documents
Shared bank accounts, insurance, or utility bills
Travel records, text messages, and emails
Affidavits from friends and family confirming your relationship
Be Ready for Common Interview Questions
While there’s no fixed list of questions, here are some common ones:
How did you meet?
Who proposed and how?
What’s your daily routine like as a couple?
What are your spouse’s favorite foods, hobbies, or TV shows?
Have you met each other’s families?
Officers may ask trickier questions to test whether your answers match, like who sleeps on which side of the bed or what your spouse’s favorite toothpaste brand is (yes, really!).
Stay Calm and Be Honest
If you don’t remember an answer, don’t panic! It’s better to admit you’re unsure than to guess and contradict your partner. The best way to prepare is to talk about your relationship naturally beforehand so that your answers align.
Prepare for a Possible “Stokes Interview”
If USCIS suspects fraud, they may separate you and your spouse for a Stokes Interview, where you’ll be asked the same questions separately. If your answers don’t match up, it could raise red flags. Practicing together in advance can help avoid inconsistencies.
Get Legal Support If Needed
If you’re worried about the interview process or have a complicated case, consulting an immigration lawyer can be a game-changer. A legal expert can help you prepare and ensure you present the strongest possible case.
At the end of the day, genuine couples have nothing to fear—just be yourselves, prepare well, and stay calm. The immigration interview is simply a way to confirm your love story is real. With the right preparation, you’ll be well on your way to securing your future together in the U.S.
Need expert legal help? Contact Elizee Law Firm today for a consultation. We specialize in helping couples navigate immigration challenges and succeed in their journey to a life together in the U.S.!
Patricia Elizee is the managing partner of the Elizee Law Firm, an immigration law firm located at 1110 Brickell Avenue, Suite 315, Miami, Florida 33131. Phone 305-371-8846. The law firm was established in 2012. Ms. Elizee earned her Juris Doctorate at the University of Miami School of Law and her Masters in Law from the University of Washington School of Law.